Current Issues

Friday 19th July – (Resolved)

Nationwide Crowdstrike Outage – Affecting JUYI

Due to the Worldwide Crowdstrike outage, it is expected that access to JUYI will be affected. Confirmed issues with logging in with a smartcard and also GP Practice data.

Monday 29th April – (Resolved)

Issue with SmartCard Service 

The Smartcard Issue has now been resolved

(Resolved 16:45) We are aware of an issue with Smartcard authentication that may be affecting some users.

Previous JUYI Milestones

Adult Social Care and IAPTUS data now available in JUYI

From the end of May, two new data feeds are available in JUYI, further increasing the knowledge set in a snapshot derived from our Summary Care Record.

JUYI is Gloucestershire’s shared care record system, available on most clinicians’ desktops across the county. It integrates patient-specific clinical information from a growing range of Gloucestershire’s digital record systems. It is designed to provide an easy-to-access and increasingly comprehensive summary and overview of an individual patient’s care. 

Adult Social Care

The latest addition to the JUYI patient record is drawn from in-county Adult Social Care (ASC) services, adding some important and useful new information.  

The following summary information from Gloucestershire County Council’s ASC services can now be seen in JUYI: 

  • Under ‘Care Events’ 
  • Cases, their status and their referral source and team (see below for contact details) 
  • DOLS referrals, their source and status. Note: Details of severity or outcome are not included. 
  • Care and Support Plans’ existence, status, review date and the case they are linked to 
  • Safeguarding episodes including team contact details 
  • Under ‘Services, Care Professionals and Carers’ 
  • Case Review Team contact details including phone numbers and opening hours.  
  • DOLS episode co-ordinator details 
  • Power Of Attorney (POA) type (if recorded), current status and who holds it 
  • Under Social and Personal Circumstances: 
  • Marital status, religion, alias(es) and language 
  • Accessibility information, e.g. visually impaired 
  • Reason for social care support, e.g. personal care, and it’s status 
  • Associated support persons and their contact details 


The following summary information can now be seen in JUYI for patients who have ever been referred to IAPT services:

  • Improved and more reliable demographic and accessibility information – displayed on the headline banner
  • Referral and past and future appointment details, treatment type andreason for discharge – displayed under ‘Events’.
  • Name of therapist – displayed under ‘Services, Care Professionals and Carers’
  • Once treatment has been completed the ‘Problem at discharge’ is available – displayed under ‘Diagnoses, Problems and Issues’

Wednesday 22nd March – Go Live day: SWASFT data now available on JUYI (Joining Up Your Information) 

 All users can now view ‘care event’ patient data from the Ambulance Trust patients’ records within JUYI.  

This means that the following data from past, present is visible in JUYI

  • Date and time of ambulance arrival at the patients place of residence 
  • Whether or not a patient has been conveyed by ambulance and to which hospital 
  • Patient’s presenting complaint 
  • Paramedic’s provisional diagnosis and treatment summary
  • Any vital signs and observations taken by paramedics 

Wednesday 19th October

You can now access JUYI without your Smartcard from Sunrise EPR.

From October 19th 2022, staff with permission to access JUYI at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will no longer need to login with a Smartcard. To access JUYI, simply login to your PC as normal, and click the icon/tab below:

access juyi from sunrise icon

The icon is the one furthest to the right, labelled JUYI Login.

However, please note that the link to access the national Summary Care Record will not appear in JUYI if you have not logged in with your Smartcard, since this is a national system that requires a Smartcard to access.

If you have any issues accessing JUYI, please contact your local helpdesk.

Monday 29th November

Patient information from the Gloucestershire Out of Hours Service will be available in JUYI from Monday 29th November

All users can now view realtime post-event patient data from the Out of Hours (OOH) service within JUYI.

This includes:

  • OOH care events including appointments in the OOH hubs and home visits.
  • History, Presenting complaint, Diagnosis and Treatments including any medicines prescribed and outcome of each appointment.
  • The free text clinical noting associated with each appointment is also viewable for the first time in JUYI.

Monday 23rd August >  Chronological Order of some GHFT Records

In a small number of cases where a patient may have multiple Hospital Numbers, some Care Events may not be listed in the correct chronological order. The timestamp will be accurate, but might not display in the correct order. The JUYI Team are preparing a fix to resolve the issue to be implemented w/c 30th August.

Monday 16th August – Go Live day: Acute data now available on JUYI (Joining Up Your Information) 

 All users can now view ‘care event’ patient data from the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust patients’ records within JUYI.  

 This means that the following data from past, present and future GHFT Emergency Department (ED), Inpatient and Outpatient patient contacts will be viewable, including: 

  • Date and Time – including future planned care events 
  • Location 
  • Presenting Complaint, Appointment Type or Reason for admission
  • Responsible Care Professional 
  • Diagnoses 
  • Treatments and Operations. 

Images from ‘Care Events’ and ‘Update Time’


Previous JUYI Incidents and Maintenance

Sunday 31st March – 1am – (A 5min interuption to smartcard authentication).

Smartcard authentication will be unavailable for a 5 min period at 1am on Sunday morning as a result of the clock change. This should last no longer than 5 mintes.


Monday 25th March – Completed

JUYI will be undergoing essential maintenance between the hours of 6PM and 9PM.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

July – Ongoing: Resolved 22nd March 2024

999 data is currently unavailable

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, Ambulance data will not be available in JUYI for the foreseeable future.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The JUYI Team.

Wednesday 28th February – Updated 18th March

RiO data is currently unavailable

We are aware of an issue meaning that RiO data is currently unavailable in JUYI. This is currently being looked into.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Update: GHC are still unable to provide RiO, Mental Health data into JUYI which is being investigated further.

Friday 1st March – Update

The third party has identified the issue and is working on a fix. Unfortunately we have no timeframe on this currently, but likely next week.

Thursday 21st March – Resolved

Wednesday 21st February

JUYI Maintenance 1am-7am Window

JUYI may be down or unresponsive during this window due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Monday 25th December

Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Wednesday 13th December

Issues with JUYI

There are currently some National NHS connectivity issues (the SPINE) that we feel will be affecting JUYI.

We believe this is now resolving itself, and will be back to normal by the end of the day.

From NHS Digital:

NHS Digital have experienced multiple connectivity issues with NHS Spine Services which had affected Spine communications from 14:44 onwards. This appears to have resolved itself as of 15:29.

To confirm, your live services provided by Quicksilva are available, however you may receive sporadic errors related to these NHS Spine connectivity issues.

We are now entering a period of extended monitoring to ensure services remain available and stable.

Friday 27th October

Issue with loading JUYI from SystmOne

Due to an upgrade to browsers and the removal of Internet Explorer , we are aware that access to JUYI is unavailable in some practices due to an outdated configuration of the S1 JUYI button.

If you are using a JUYI button in S1 labelled as ‘JUYI – GCCG’, this needs to be replaced with a button (available in S1 Button Search) labelled JUYI! – Gloucestershire PCT (the names will be updated in future!)

Instructions available on this page

Wednesday 18th Oct – Resolved

GCC have resolved the issue with Adult Social Care Data and is now available in JUYI

Gloucestershire County Council have advised they have an issue sharing Adult Social Care to JUYI. Although existing data upto 16th Oct will be viewable, newer data will not currently be displayed.

Data loads for Children’s Social Care remain unaffected.

Reminder that SWASFT Ambukance data remains unavailable at this time due to the previous SWASFT cyber incident.

Sunday 16th July 2023: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Sunday 18th June 2023: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Sunday 21st May 2023: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Tuesday 4th April 2023: 7am

Routine Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to JUYI at 7am, for approximately 15 minutes. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Sunday 26th March 2023: 1am

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication at 1am, for approximately 5 minutes. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Wednesday 22nd March: 7am – 8am.

Routine Maintenance – JUYI

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to JUYI between 7am and 8am. No downtime is planned.

Tuesday 20th March – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Sunday 19th March 2023: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Wednesday 15th March: 7am – 8am.

Routine Maintenance – JUYI

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to JUYI between 7am and 8am. No downtime is planned.

Tuesday 7th March – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Monday 6th March – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Wednesday 1st March: 7am – 8am.

Routine Maintenance – JUYI

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to JUYI between 7am and 8am. JUYI will be unavailable during this time while the work is being carried out. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Sunday 19th February 2023: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Thursday 16th February 2023: 7am – 7:15am

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 7am – 7:15am. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Tuesday 14th February: 7am – 8am.

Routine Maintenance – JUYI

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to JUYI between 7am and 8am. JUYI will be unavailable during this time while the work is being carried out. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tuesday 31st January – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Monday 30th January – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Wednesday 25th January

Issues with accessing JUYI via a smartcard

We have become aware of an issue this morning with users being unable to access JUYI via a smartcard, or loading patient records.

The service provider are aware, and are fixing as a matter of urgency.

This is a National issue, involving connecting to the SPINE, so may be affecting other systems also.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may be causing.

The JUYI Team.

We believe this is now resolved

Wednesday 18th January – Possible disruption on loading information on the patient record from GHFT.

There is currently a datafeed issue which is resulting in GHFT data being slightly out of date – with no new information currently being sent. This is being investigated by the 3rd party, and we anticipate a fix in due course.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tuesday 17th January – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Monday 16th January – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.


Sunday 15th January 2023: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Monday 5th December

Issues with accessing JUYI via a smartcard – affecting all users/organisations – now resolved

We believe this is now resolved.

We have become aware of an issue over the weekend with users being unable to access JUYI via a smartcard. This will be affecting all organisations other than GHFT accessing through Sunrise.

The service provider are aware, and are fixing as a matter of urgency.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may be causing.

The JUYI Team.

Thursday 24th November: 9pm – 10pm.

Routine Maintenance – JUYI

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to JUYI between 9pm and 10pm. The maintenance will take place silently over a 5 minute period. We anticipate no disruption to service.

Sunday 20th November: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Monday 1st November – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Sunday 30th October: 1-2am

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be performing a restart of their Spinal Tap Service on Sunday, 30th October in a maintenance window of 1am-2am.

We don’t anticipate this will affect JUYI, as information will be available from cache but is worth noting.

Smartcard Authentication to access JUYI may be intermittent between these hours, and the National SCR service will be intermittent.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Monday 24th October – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible are investigating.

Sunday 16th October: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Wednesday 21st September: 12-1pm – Scheduled Maintenance (complete)

Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices may experience issues in loading patients during the maintenance window of 12-1pm on this date.

Sunday 18th September: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication (complete)

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Tuesday 13th September – Friday 16th September

RiO data not available in JUYI (resolved)

Since 2PM on Tuesday 13th of September, RiO data is currently unavailable in JUYI. This is being investigated by the 3rd Party. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

We believe this issue is now solved, but will monitor over the weekend.

UPDATE: Thursday, the 15th of September

The cause of this issue has been found and the 3rd party are working on resolving.

Sunday 21st August: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Tuesday 16th August: 4-5pm – Scheduled Maintenance

Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices. Complete

EMIS GP Practices may experience issues in loading patients during the maintenance window of 4-5pm on this date.

Scheduled Maintenance:  Wednesday 13th July

JUYI will be unavailable due to essential maintenance. This will be occurring:

  • Tuesday the 12th of July : 6AM – 7AM (complete)
  • Wednesday the 13th of July : 4AM – 8AM

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Friday 24th June – 30th June – Out of Hours Information currently unavailable within JUYI (resolved)

We believe the issue with Out of Hours information is now resolved, however we will continue to monitor over the next 12 hours, and move to closed if no more issues.

Monday 20th June – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Sunday 19th June: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 10pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Monday 13th June – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Tuesday 7th of June – Routine Maintenance – 3am to 5am

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 3am and 5am. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Wednesday 25th May – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Wednesday 25th of May – Routine Maintenance – 8am to 9am

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 8am and 9am. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Sunday 15th May: 8pm

Routine Maintenance – Smartcard Authentication

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance to Smartcard Authentication between 8pm and 9pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Maintenance is now complete.

Saturday 7th May – [Resolved]

There have been intermittent issues with the Smartcard authentication service (proteQt) affecting access to JUYI between 1.30pm and 2.15pm

This has now been resolved by the service provider.

Friday 6th May


We believe that JUYI is now starting to be accessible for users, the issue will be monitored over the next hour.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

We are aware of an issue that is causing JUYI to be inaccessible for users. The 3rd Party that manage the Smartcard authentication service (proteQt) are investigating this currently.

We will provide updates via this page.

Tuesday 19th March: 8am – 9am

Routine Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 8am and 9am. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Sunday 17th of April: 8pm – 9pm

Routine Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 8PM – 9PM. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Wednesday 13th April

Notice of HSCN maintenance between the hours of 2-5am

There maybe intermittent access to JUYI records during this time.

Thursday 24th March

Access Denied message from some SystmOne Practices

We are aware of an issue that is affecting some SystmOne practices when trying to access a patient record in JUYI from the Blue icon in SystmOne. We are investigating the issue and apologise for any inconvenience this may be causing.

24th of March Routine Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 2pm and 3pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Sunday 20th March – 8pm – 10pm

Routine Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 8am and 9am. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Friday 11th March – 8am – 9am

Routine Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 8am and 9am. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Week Commencing 28th February – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Last updated: 10:23am :  02/03/22

Wednesday 23rd February – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Tuesday 22nd February – Possible disruption on loading patient records from EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Monday 21st February – Possible disruption on loading patient records at EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Tuesday 22nd February 8am-9am Scheduled Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 8am and 9am. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Friday 18th February – Possible disruption on loading patient records at EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Thursday 17th February – Possible disruption on loading patient records at EMIS GP Practices.

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Thursday 17th February 2022 – Smartcard Authentication Service intermittently disconnecting

Possible disruption on loading patient records – we are aware of an issue with a 503 error message displaying when trying to load some patients.

The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The 3rd party provider responsible is investigating.

Friday 11th February/Saturday 12th February – Possible disruption on loading patient records at EMIS  GP Practices. (Resolved)

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Tuesday 1st Feb 1.30pm – An issue with the GHC RiO mental health system between 1:45 and 1:15  has been resolved and data now available within JUYI. (Resolved)

Tuesday 25th January – Possible disruption on loading patient records at EMIS  GP Practices. (Resolved)

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Sunday 16th January – 20:00 – 22:00 – Smartcard Authentication maintenance – Completed

A third party supplier is undertaking maintenance that may result in intermittent smartcard authentication issues for a short ten minute period between 8 and 10pm. Please retry access after a couple of minutes should you experience an issue.

Tuesday 11th January – possible disruption to NHS Spine Connectivity (Resolved)

NHS Digital are experiencing multiple connectivity issues with NHS Spine Services which is affecting Spine communications. NHS Digital have advised that they are in the process of investigating with their suppliers as an utmost priority.

To confirm, JUYI live services provided by Quicksilva are available, however there may be sporadic errors related to these NHS Spine connectivity issues.

Saturday – December 25th – 10am – (Resolved) Connectivity Issue affecting access.

Update 11:20 – A NHS network provider identified an issue at a data centre providing connection to the NHS network. This has been resolved – but will continue to be monitored.

An issue affecting access to JUYI is being investigated by the JUYI Support team. An NHS Network provider is reviewing a possible infrastructure issue with a data centre providing NHS network connectivity.

Thursday  2nd Dec 17:00 – 19:30 Scheduled Maintenance – Completed

RiO will be unavailable on Thursday 2nd Dec from 17:00hrs until approx. 19:30hrs.

Reason for Downtime

To allow essential upgrades to take place in order to meet requirements in the latest MHSDS (Mental Health Services Dataset) Version 5.0.

During the Downtime

RiO information (non ePMA) will be accessible on a ‘read only’ basis via RiO Off-Line.
RiO Downtime Packs must be used to record RiO information (non ePMA).
RiO ePMA – the ePDR system will be enabled for MH & LD wards using RiO ePMA.

Monday 22nd November 16:11 Unscheduled Service Outage – Fixed

The EMIS GP System data supplier is experiencing issues with exporting data. In some cases  patients from an EMIS practice will not load.

This is being escalated with EMIS.

Sunday 31st October 01:00 am – Third Party Scheduled Maintenance – Completed

Due to the BST –> GMT Clock Changes.

SCR will be unavailable during this time.

Sunday 24th October – 6 – 7pm – Smartcard Authentication maintenance – Completed

A third party supplier is undertaking maintenance that may result in intermittent smartcard authentication issues for short periods between 6 and 7pm. Please retry access after a couple of minutes should you experience an issue.

Thursday  21st Oct 17:00 – 20:00 Scheduled Maintenance – Completed

RiO will be unavailable on Thursday 21st  OCT  from 17:00hrs until approx. 20:00hrs.

Reason for Downtime

The School Age Immunisation Team are now using RiO as their main clinical system.  This downtime is required in order to complete the third and final data migration of child records into RiO to support the team in their recording.

During the Downtime

RiO information (non ePMA) will be accessible on a ‘read only’ basis via RiO Off-Line.
RiO Downtime Packs must be used to record RiO information (non ePMA).
RiO ePMA – the ePDR system will be enabled for MH & LD wards using RiO ePMA.

Wednesday 20th Oct  Connectivity Issue with JUYI and RiO – Fixed

GHC are experiencing an issue with the RiO Mental health system and cannot currently share data with JUYI. GHC are investigating.

Thursday  16th Sept – RiO will be unavailable – Completed

RiO will be unavailable on Thursday 16th Sept  from 17:00hrs until approx. 20:15hrs.

This enables School Age Immunisations Team to start using RiO imminently as their main clinical system. This downtime is required to carry out a significant data migration into RiO of child health records, including vaccination information.

Reason for Downtime
The School Age Immunisation Team are now using RiO as their main clinical system. This downtime is required to carry out a further data migration into RiO of child health records, following on from the initial data migration last week.

During the Downtime

  • RiO information (non ePMA) will be accessible on a ‘read only’ basis via RiO Off-Line.
  • RiO Downtime Packs must be used to record RiO information (non ePMA).

RiO ePMA – the ePDR system will be enabled for MH & LD wards using RiO ePMA.

Tuesday  7th Sept – RiO will be unavailable – Completed

RiO will be unavailable on Tues 7th Sept  from 23:00hrs until approx. 05:30hrs Wed 8th Sept morning.

This enables School Age Immunisations Team to start using RiO imminently as their main clinical system. This downtime is required to carry out a significant data migration into RiO of child health records, including vaccination information.

Thursday 2nd Sept – Blakeney GP Practice Records not available in JUYI –  Resolved

Blakeney is in the process of migrating clinical systems from Vision to SystmOne and will be unable to share records for approximately 7 days until the switchover is completed.

Tuesday 24th August – Possible connectivity issue  Tuesday Evening 9pm – 1am. – Completed

Maintenance is being undertaken by a JUYI Data provider between 9pm and 1am tonight. This should not affect JUYI, but should you experience any connection issue, this will only be temporary in nature.

Saturday 17th July – 13:00 – 13:20 – SystmOne Planned Downtime- Completed

GHC Message:

TPP, our SystmOne supplier, have advised that they anticipate the downtime to take approximately 20 minutes, but that a longer downtime period of up to 4 hours has been approved by NHS Digital should it be required, so please be aware of this when contingency planning.

Wednesday 2nd June – 7am – 8am possible intermittent connectivity – Completed

JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for a short period of time between 7am and 8 am on Wednesday morning due to maintenance.

Friday 28th May – RiO mental health data is now available within JUYI – Completed

An issue following a system upgrade of the RiO mental health system at GHC has now been resolved.

Thursday 27th May – 17.30 – 19.30 pm – RiO Mental Health Data will be unavailable within JUYI.

GHC have informed that the RiO system will be offline for approximately 2 hours at 5.30pm.

RiO will be unavailable from 17:30 on Thursday 27th May 2021 for approximately 2 hours. This is to enable essential upgrades.

For GHC Staff: During the Downtime:

The Trust’s ‘RiO Offline System’ will be switched on to allow access to information on a read-only basis. Please be aware that some information may not be accessible in this system between 17:30 – 19:30.

While the system is unavailable, RiO Downtime Packs must be used for recording information which then needs to be input into RiO as soon as possible.

RiO ePMA – the ePDR system will been enabled for MH & LD wards as required.

We apologise for the downtime during this challenging period, however it is essential work that needs to take place, so thank you for bearing with us.

With Kind Regards

The GHC Clinical Systems Team

Sunday 25th May – 7pm – Smartcard Authentication Service Maintenance

Connectivity may be disrupted for a short period between 7 and 8pm due to maintenance by a service provider with the smartcard authentication service.

Wednesday 5th May – (Resolved) Issues accessing records from GP Practices that use the EMIS GP System.

EMIS Records are now available via JUYI. The sharing issue has been resolved by the data provider;

EMIS GP Practices are experiencing issues in sharing records with JUYI. The issues appear intermittent with the result that these cannot be opened in JUYI. Retrying a few minutes later may be successful. The data provider responsible is investigating.

Tuesday 27th April – Access to JUYI Records (Resolved)

1:45pm An issue blocking the opening of JUYI records has been resolved. We will continue to monitor. The issue had started shortly after 1pm and lasted approximately 30 mins. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Monday 26th April 0800 – 0900am – JUYI Maintenance – Completed

JUYI connectivity will be affected between 0800 and 0900 am on Monday – 26th April due to maintenance.

Monday 29th March – GHC Mental Health Data not available – Resolved

GHC are unable at present to share info from the RiO mental health system to JUYI. This follows maintenance undertaken on RiO over the weekend. The issue is being investigated.

Thursday 25th March 3pm – 4pm – JUYI Maintenance –  Completed

JUYI connectivity will be disrupted this Thursday afternoon between 3 – 4pm to enable maintenance and an upgrade of some  application components prior to the release of new functionality in the next few weeks.  During this 1 hour maintenance window JUYI may not respond to User Requests. Local IT Helpdesks have been informed.

Please check this page for updates.

Tuesday 2nd March – Smartcard Access Issues (Resolved)

Between 9:15 and 10 am, an issue related to Smartcard authentication prevented users from accessing JUYI. This has now been resolved and smartcard access is now working as expected.

Tuesday 2nd March – 8am – 8.15am JUYI will be unavailable for a short period between these times due to maintenance – Completed

Maintenance has completed & JUYI available from 5pm  – Thursday 11th Feb: Noon – 5pm – JUYI will be unavailable due to an infrastructure upgrade

The infrastructure platform used by JUYI is being upgraded from Noon on Thursday 11th Feb and is expected to complete by 5pm. The upgrade will enable improved performance. It is being upgraded during working hours as clinical staff will be able to access other clinical information services during this time that might not be available if the work was scheduled for Out of Hours.

Partner organisations will be informed of progress during the upgrade.

Sunday 31st Jan 6-8pm Scheduled Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 6pm and 8pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Thursday 14th Jan – NHS Network Connectivity (Resolved)

An issue with the wider NHS Network that impacted Smartcard logins has now been resolved


NHS login users were not able to make registrations due to a wider network issue.

Between 22:42 13/01/21 and 05:03 14/01/21 users could not register for NHS login and ID checkers were not able to complete verifications.

Four core routers within the BT network were reset and service was restored to expected levels.


  • NHS login users

Sunday 20th Dec 6-8pm Scheduled Maintenance

A third party supplier will be undertaking essential maintenance between 6pm and 8pm. JUYI connectivity may be disrupted for short periods during this time.

Wednesday 9th Dec—– 8am to 8:15am – scheduled maintenance – Completed

Connectivity may be intermittent between 8 – 8.15 am due to scheduled maintenance. Please retry after a few minutes.

November – Access to Core SCR Record as well as SCR-AI is now accessible via the ‘Known Alerts’ button.

Following the national change to the availability of Summary Care Records with additional information during Covid, we have changed the way in which the link from JUYI to SCR behaves.

It now links through to SCR in all cases except where the patient has explicitly dissented from sharing SCR.  Around 95% of  patients will have an accessible  SCR (SCRa),  85% of which will have components of Additional Information (SCRAI).  Accessed via the Known Alerts button, the link now references the Summary Care Record (not just Additional Information).

  • This alert identifies patients who have a Summary Care Record. Selecting the link will provide access to the basic SCR and, if available, the ‘Additional Information’ component.
  • If the link is greyed out, you do not have the necessary codes (B0370, B0168) assigned to your Smartcard to access SCR. Please check with your Smartcard Administrator.
  • Basic Summary Care Record contains Medications, Allergies and Adverse Reactions only.
  • Summary Care Record with Additional Information also contains information such as long-term conditions, significant medical history, or specific communications needs.
  • In some instances SCR can contain information not available in JUYI.
  • NHS Digital have enabled access to SCR Additional Information by default – (approximately 85% of Gloucestershire patients have an SCR record that contains some elements of additional information). More information:

Sunday 22nd Nov – 6-8pm – JUYI connectivity may be affected for short periods during this time

Connectivity may be affected for short periods between 6 and 8pm as an external supplier deploys systems updates. If you’re unable to connect, please retry a few minutes later.

Tuesday 20th October – Blakeney GP Surgery is unable share records to JUYI at present. (Resolved)

The data provider for the Vision GP System is investigating the issue.

Tuesday 20th October – 8 – 8.30am – JUYI connectivity may be affected for a short period of upto 15 mins during this time.

To enable server maintenance, there will be a short break of the JUYI Service between 8 and 8.30 am.

Sunday 20th Sept: Sunday 6 – 8pm – JUYI connectivity may be affected for short periods during this time.

A network supplier will be undertaking maintenance on components that provide the authentication service for JUYI and there may be short periods between 6 and 8pm that may intermittently affect access.

Sunday 13th Sept: Sunday 6pm – JUYI connectivity may be affected for approx 30 mins whilst a JUYI network provider undertakes scheduled systems maintenance.

Friday 11th Sept –  7am: There will be a 10 minute break in the JUYI service at 7am to enable routine maintenance to be undertaken. (Completed)

Thursday 10 Sept – RiO Mental Health Data will be unavailable at 17:00 for 4 hours (Completed)

GHC are undertaking system maintenance on the RiO system and will be unable to share data to JUYI for approx 4 hours.

Wednesday Sept 9th – JUYI will be unavailable for 10 mins at 7am on Wednesday morning to enable routine server maintenance to be undertaken.

August 20th – Gloucestershire Health and Care (GHC)  Community data is now available following an upgrade of GHC systems.

Community data is extracted every 24 hours and is valid upto midnight of the previous day.


(Resolved) August 19th – 9.45am –  JUYI is available and On-Line

The connectivity issue has been resolved and users across partner organisations have confirmed access.

August 19th – 9am –  JUYI is currently unavailable due to a connectivity issue. 

The issue is being investigated and we’ll update throughout the day.

August 12th – Gloucestershire Health and Care (GHC) are unable to supply updated Community data due to work taking place with their data extract services.

The latest community data displayed in JUYI is that from 9th August. Updated data will be available from 20th August.

August 11th –  – Hadwen GP Practice is currently unable to share records

Hadwen practice is in the process of migrating clinical systems from Vision to TPP SystmOne and will be unable to share records until 17th August. JUYI will display that a record is not available but will  display a link to SCR if available.


Tuesday – 7th July – JUYI will be available from 8am on Tuesday 7th July.

The JUYI partners have given the go-ahead for JUYI to be re-enabled and will be fully accessible from within the various clinical systems in GHC and GHFT from early Tuesday 7th July.

Users are reminded that NHS Digital has enabled Additional Information in Summary Care Records for patients by default. Relevant COVID-19 codes, where available, are now included on the SCR-AI and are accessible via the Alerts section of the JUYI Patient Dashboard.

Friday 3rd July –  Although JUYI is currently unavailable, Summary Care Record (SCR)* access is available on the JUYI front page.

We apologise for the inconvenience, JUYI is still offline, but as an interim measure access to SCR, where this is available, has been enabled. (See graphic below)

We are continuing to investigate the issue affecting the display of  data within the system. The System Supplier has identified the issue and provided a software update that has been tested and deployed and assurance activities are now being undertaken with JUYI partners. The latter is expected to conclude early July once sign-off from partner organisations is confirmed. Please check back here for updates.

See below for details of how to access SCR even though JUYI is unavailable.

From the beginning of May, NHS Digital have enabled additional information within the SCR by default – Click here for details.

(*Your smartcard must be enabled with the correct clinical role/codes to access SCR via JUYI – contact your local smartcard admin if you are prompted for additional codes to be added to your smartcard for SCR access).



Apr 8th –  Weight data available in JUYI from Vision Practices.

Weight information is now being displayed in JUYI for patients from Vision practices (Quedgeley, Hadwen & Glos HC). Height & Weight is already available for patients from TPP practices. We are working to bring the same data from EMIS practices.

Apr 3rd – Height/weight data available in JUYI from TPP Practices.

Height and Weight information is now being displayed in the Clinical Observations widget of the Patient Dashboard within JUYI. Data is currently available from approximately 60% of GP practices (those using TPP SystmOne). Data from EMIS and Vision Practices will follow shortly.

Mar 27th 2020 – JUYI Smartcard Access issue (Resolved)

We are investigating an issue with the use of Smartcards and JUYI. A 3rd party provider is experiencing a connectivity issue.  (10:15) This has now been resolved and Users can now access.

Feb 26th 2020 – JUYI Scheduled Maintenance Feb 27th 2020 (Resolved)

Please be aware that there may be intermittent access issues for a short period from 7:30am tomorrow (Feb 27th) as part of scheduled maintenance.

Dec 13th 2019 – JUYI – Connectivity Issue (Resolved)

12.20 pm – Connectivity has been restored and JUYI is now available. The JUYI team will continue to monitor for any residual issues.

11.35 – We have been informed that a JUYI network provider (Redcentric) is working to resolve an issue at a data centre that is affecting connections to JUYI. We will continue to monitor and update as information becomes available.

Nov 26th 2019 – SystmOne GP Practice data – (Resolved)

Data received from TPP(SystmOne) GP practices has now returned to the usual 24hr scheduled feed, displaying data from 5pm of the previous day.

Nov 26th 2019 – SystmOne GP Practice data – Update

The latest data received from SystmOne GP Practices was at 5pm on Sunday, November 24th. It is expected that data will return to usual scheduling, i.e. the display of data from 5pm the previous day, by the end of Tuesday 26th.

Nov 25th 2019 – SystmOne GP Practice data – Update

Please be aware that  the last update of data from SystmOne GP Practices was at 5pm on November 22nd.  The backlog of data is currently being processed by JUYI and notifications within JUYI will stay in place until processing has completed.

Nov 19th – 21st 2019 – SystmOne GP Practice data (Resolved)

Please be aware that  the last update of data from SystmOne GP Practices was at 5pm on November 16th. An issue, preventing the retrieval of newer data, is being investigated.

Nov 21st 2019 – Rosebank Surgery Data (Resolved)

Data from Rosebank Surgery has been disabled because a recent migration of clinical systems at the practice would result with the display of the older (non-updated) ‘Vision’ data rather than the ‘newer’ SystmOne Data which is currently queued for processing. This will be corrected when the SystmOne issue above is resolved.

Oct 8th 2019 – SystmOne GP Practice data (Resolved)

The issue with TPP Primary Care data within JUYI has now been resolved.

TPP have fixed the issue within their Strategic Reporting module which prevented JUYI, and other systems, extracting data from TPP’s SystmOne application over the past week.

Following deployment of the fix earlier today, we have now received the backlog of data which is currently being processed by JUYI.  It is expected that refreshed TPP data will be available for view late tonight (8th) / early Weds (9th) morning. Notifications within JUYI will stay in place until processing has completed.

Oct 7th 2019 – SystmOne GP Practice data (Resolved)

TPP, the SystmOne clinical system supplier, continuing to investigate an issue that has prevented updates being received by JUYI from 49 SystmOne GP practices.  Please be aware that  the last update of data from SystmOne GP Practices was at 6pm on Tuesday October 1st

Oct 4th 2019 – SystmOne GP Practice data (Resolved)

TPP, the SystmOne clinical system supplier, is investigating an issue that has prevented updates being received by JUYI from 49 SystmOne GP practices.  Please be aware that  the last update of data from SystmOne GP Practices was at 6pm on October 1st

Sept 30th 2019 – JUYI-SCR Medications Update (Resolved)

An update is now in place to resolve reported Medication discrepancies between SCR and JUYI

    • We were aware of screen discrepancies between SCR and JUYI where an edit made to a repeat medication in a host system resulted in discontinued medication being displayed as a Current Repeat. This has now been resolved.

If you do spot any issues, including any discrepancies with the data in JUYI, please report these through your local clinical system Helpdesk.

Sept 3rd 2019 – Film Role?

We’re making a film about One Gloucestershire and digital transformation and would like to include a case study of a patient/service user who has had a positive experience of JUYI and would be willing to talk on camera. Are you able to help?  If so contact

Sept 3rd 2019 – Medications Update

2/3  issues have now been resolved – investigation with SCR differences continue

** Medication discrepancies have been noted in JUYI **

** The list must always be checked with the patient **

  • Medication discrepancies between SCR and JUYI
    • We are aware of screen discrepancies between SCR and JUYI displays for the same patient.  These relate mainly to the discontinuation dates of medicines which were legitimate entries.

** Always check with your patient.**

If you do spot any issues, including any discrepancies with the data in JUYI, please report these through your local clinical system Helpdesk.

The following have now been resolved:

  • Allergies being displayed as a medication – (Resolved 13th August)
    • This issue only relates to TPP SystmOne records, has only been created with test patients and is difficult to reproduce
  • Coded medications previously ‘linked’ to another medication being displayed as current medication- (Resolved 13th August)
    • Some coded medication records are being displayed as if they were current medications, but they are not.  These can be identified in JUYI as their dosage direction and quantity fields remain blank.

September 3rd 2019 –  GP Data from Vision practices (Resolved 3rd Sept – 9.30am)

Currently no GP data is being displayed in JUYI for patients registered at the following GP practices who use Vision:

  • Blakeney Surgery
  • Forest Health Care
  • Gloucester City Health Centre
  • Hadwen Medical Practice
  • Quedgeley Medical Centre
  • Rosebank Health

Healthcare Gateway, the data providers, are investigating the issue.

August 12th 2019 – This has now been resolved as of 11am – 13th August

Currently no GP data is being displayed in JUYI for patients registered with the following GP practices who use Vision:

  • Blakeney Surgery
  • Forest Health Care
  • Gloucester City Health Centre
  • Hadwen Medical Practice
  • Quedgeley Medical Centre
  • Rosebank Health

Healthcare Gateway, the data providers, are investigating the issue.